Troop/Crew 56 Troop/Crew 56 is a co-ed scouting program that focuses on outdoor skills and youth leadership for youth ages 11 and older. Chartered by St. James’s Episcopal Church in Porter Square, Troop/Crew 56 combines Scouts BSA (formerly “Boy Scouts”) for youth ages 11 to 18 and BSA Venturing for youth ages 14 to 21. Troop/Crew 56 welcomes youth and their families of any gender identity or sexual orientation.
Youth Led Empowering youth to be leaders is the core of scouting. Although adults guide and mentor the youth, Troop/Crew 56 is youth-directed, with scouts taking responsibility for running meetings, planning activities, and carrying out excursions.
Outdoor Activities Traditionally, from September to June each year, Troop/Crew 56 has one outdoor trip per month, usually Friday afternoon to Sunday morning. Activities include backpacking, canoeing, rock climbing, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, white-water rafting, bicycling, and more.
Weekly Meetings From September through June, Troop 56 meets each Tuesday at 7:00 pm. Meetings are at St. James’s Episcopal Church, 1991 Massachusetts Avenue, and meetings generally last 75 minutes. Troop meetings follow the school-year calendar for Cambridge Public Schools; if school is not in session, there is no regular meeting.
Monthly Planning Meetings Traditionally, the adult committee meets monthly to review and plan programming, discuss budget items, and conduct other business. All parents are encouraged to register as an official committee member, but whether officially registered or not, all parents are welcome to attend the monthly planning meetings.
COVID-19 Safety Troop 56 follows all CDC and local guidelines & regulations for COVID-19 safety, and the troop requires vaccination for all who are medically eligible.