Leader Directory

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One thought on “Leader Directory

  1. 7 Sept 2020

    Hello All Scout Troops, Scout Leaders and Parents,

    It’s that time of the year again, fall, the perfect time to get the Personal Fitness Merit Badge. I, David Emello (YPT certified adult of Troop 304, Belmont) am offering to all interested scouts in the surrounding area the chance to join Troop 304 to earn the Personal Fitness Merit Badge.

    A 13 week program held at the Belmont High School football field (301 Concord Avenue, Belmont MA 02478) on Sunday afternoons (time dependent on the Patriots Football schedule). This will commence Sunday September 19th, ending Sunday December 12th.

    Times vary but Sept 12 will meet at 5PM (after the Pats game).

    Any interested scout may join us by having their parents contact me (see below for details) and copying your respective scout leader. The program includes a weekly meeting which has discussions of a healthy diet, good life decisions, exercise plans, calisthenics, jogging/walking a mile around the track, and stretching. These requirements can be found in the merit badge book.

    Participants will be asked to purchase the Personal Fitness Merit Badge book (or borrow one), print out and complete the merit badge workbook in weekly sections and attend the meetings.

    This badge can be completely VIRTUALLY at 7:30 Sunday nights for those who prefer to work on their own and feel more comfortable in a zoom setting.

    Please contact me with any questions, comments, concerns or just to sign up:

    David Emello
    Troop 304
    Home # 617-484-3898
    Cell# 617-230-1195
    Email: David112288@hotmail.com

    The requirements for the badge can be found at this link: https://www.scoutbook.com/mobile/references/boy-scouting/merit-badges/personal-fitness-merit-badge-requirements.asp

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