
Photo of Robin Bonner
Robin Bonner Crew Advisor
Photo of Sydney Cash
Sydney Cash Committee Chair
Photo of David English
David English Scoutmaster
Photo of Charles Henebry
Charles Henebry Webmaster
Photo of Michelle Holmes
Michelle Holmes Charter Org Rep
Photo of Marc Leuchner
Marc Leuchner Cubmaster
Photo of Gaëlle Llambi
Gaëlle Llambi Scoutmaster

2 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Attachment  Conner-Huey-Venturing-Application.pdf

    Dear Robin and Liz,
    I hope this email finds you well. My name is Conner Huey and I’m a student at Harvard University transferring from Chief Seattle Council interested in getting involved with Venturing in Crew 56. I have attached my membership application. Thank you.

    Yours in Scouting,
    Conner Huey

  2. My son is a major through hiker. He will complete 5000 miles of trail hiking this year
    In the course of his hiking, he has accumulated a number of backpacks from sponsors. Would the troop have a need for these?
    I live in North Cambridge and would be happy to drop them off or let you know where you can pick them up.

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