Via Michelle Holmes:
I have been asked to distribute the electronics policy of Troop & Crew 56. This is based on many years of experience, a recent Troop Committee vote, and consultation with several leaders.
The ONLY use for cell phones, (also laptops, iPads etc) on Scout trips is to call parents for pick up after the trip is done. If brought, phones should stay in the cars during the trip. We strongly urge families to consider having their Scout leave their phone home period. Adult phones will be available to call parents for pick up after the trip.
The following reasons are not considered legitimate needs for a phone:
· entertainment during the car ride
· alarm clock
· desire to complain to parents during the trip
· taking photos
· music to fall asleep by
· ordering pizza
· and others
Reasons for enacting this policy include
· encouragement of pro-social interactions, and teamwork
· appreciation of nature
· encouragement of youth independence, problem solving, and overcoming obstacles
· discouragement of disruptive behavior such as making of crank calls, emails, and social media posts; and looking at inappropriate websites and movies in the tents. This is very difficult for adult leaders to police.
We encourage parents to discuss these rules with their children prior to attending this weekend’s trip, and any other trips.