Here are the Scout Collective 56 Adult Committee meeting minutes for 7/16/20.SC56 CommiMtg 7.16.20pdf
Category Archives: Adult Committee Meeting
May 2020 Comm Mtg Minutes
Here are the minutes from Troop Committee Meeting of 5.28.20.SC 56 Comm Mtg 5.28.20
Jan 2020 Com Mtg Minutes
Here are the Adult Committee Meeting minutes for the meeting on 1/28/2020.
KathySC56 Com Mtg 1.28.20
Dec 2019 Comm Mtg Minutes
Here are the December Troop Committee meeting minutes from 12/17/19: SC56 Comm Mtg 12.17.19
Oct 2019 Comm Mtg Minutes
Here are the October 2019 Troop Committee meeting minutes from 10/29/19: SC56 comm mtg 10.29.19
April Committee Meeting Minutes
March Adult Committee Meeting Minutes
Here are the March committee meeting minutes for posting to the website.
Adult Committee Meeting tomorrow, April 30
All parents and adult volunteers are invited to the monthly adult committee meeting tomorrow 30 Apr at 7:10pm after the opening ceremony. Please email me any agenda items you would like to include, though do note that much of the meeting will be devoted to discussing activities for next year. There will be food as usual!
Yours in Scouting,
Committee Chair
January and February Committee Meeting Minutes
Monthly Committee Meeting, Tuesday, March 26
Committee Chair