Court of Honor, Tuesday, June 4

Hello Everyone,

Share your favorites with friends! We are looking for food and drink to celebrate at the next Court of Honor on Tuesday June 4th.

Please let us know what beverage or dish you can bring to share with Troop/Crew 56 on this special night. Give us a quick response so we can make sure there’s enough…or not too much!And don’t forget to bring your mess kits (or plate/bowl/utensils) and a cup. Bonus points for those who bring a cloth napkin!!

See you at 6:00. Can’t wait to celebrate!

Shannon, Woody and Harrison

One thought on “Court of Honor, Tuesday, June 4

  1. I am looking for a contact. I have my old cub scout and boy scout uniforms, Order of the Arrow sash, and merit badge books from the 60’s. I was ass’t scout master for Troop 4. Is there a place that would accept them as a donation?

    Russell J. Enos, 240-793-9206,

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