Scouts going on the Wilderness Survival trip (and your parents):
1. This Tuesday we will repeat the mandatory pack check. If you do not pass the pack check you cannot attend the trip.
–Congratulations to Neelu, Kavita, and Jeffrey who came with complete packs and do not have to repeat. Kevin is traveling and has made other arrangements.
–All other Scouts going on the trip must come with their entire pack with everything on the attached list,
–except those items you are borrowing from the AMC (0 degree sleeping bag, foam pads, water bottle insulators)
–except those items being supplied by the troop (contractor trash bag, tarps, snacks)
–Safety is our top priority. Winter camping is fun AND can be very dangerous if you are unprepared. We need to be absolutely certain you have the right gear. The following statements do NOT provide that assurance:
–“I have it at home”
–“I forgot to put it in”
–“I’m going to be getting one”
–“You know things have been so busy…”
—One item on the list is a survival kit which you may have to construct
–We expect you to have this even if you have not passed your Totin’ Chip and your Fireman Chip. It is a badge requirement
–You may find suggestions for a survival kit in your Scout Handbook, it is called “The Scout Essentials”
–Other outdoor organizations call this kit “The Ten Essentials” and the items can differ somewhat by the organization. NH Fish &
Wildlife Ten Essentials listed here:
2. Could a parent volunter not going on the trip to be the communications coordinator? When returning home we will call that parent with expected arrival time, who will then call all other parents. This way Scouts will not need their cell phones on the trip and we can have the electronics-free time that so many families have expressed a desire for. Please contact me if you are will ing to do this.
Thank you! Yours in Scouting