Ugandan Service Project

DSC02936Dear Scouts,

Moses Wambele, a Ugandan Scouter I met in London at the UK Scouts
headquarters, Gilwell field,periodically corresponds with me about the
activities of his Scouts.

Recently he sent me this write up (with photos) of a community service
project his Scouts did cleaning a rural village well. As you
contemplate your Eagle/Ranger projects and service to the St. James
food pantry, I thought it would be fun for you to see what your
contemporaries are doing in other parts of the world. I have asked Mr.
Henebry to post the document to the website as it is too large to
attach due to the photos.

You should know that Mr. Wambele’s Scouts have invited you to come to
Uganda for a Scouting exchange. I have told him I would inform you for
you to contemplate as you consider next year’s activities 🙂
Dr. Holmes

Project Description

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